New Business Formation
Forming a new business is easy. Read all the instructions, fill out the forms, send it to the State –done!
Did you remember to apply for an FEIN, and a sales tax ID? Is your company a sole proprietorship? Is that the best business type for you? Do you have all your financials in place so your lender distributes enough money to keep your company afloat?
While your navigating the forms, paperwork, waiting for identification numbers, tax ID’s…who’s following through with your staff and customers to ensure your business runs smoothly?
D&J Accounting knows which forms need to be completed, tracks all the necessary documentation, collates all the needed paperwork, and guides you to the best type of business organization to maximize your needs while minimizing your personal and/or tax exposure.
Call us today at 773-237-7400 to discuss your new business formation needs.